Making Tiki Torches Easy To Use

If you enjoy hosting weekend barbecues on a regular basis or love to lounge outdoors in the balmy evening air, your backyard is surely screaming for some tiki torches. These ‘fire-on-a-pole’ fixtures are the perfect way to light up the night and add an enlivening allure to the ambience.

And when you consider investing in a couple of tiki torches, one of the first criteria is whether you want to go for a regular oil or natural gas tiki torch. The difference is clear – oil tiki torches need a special tiki torch fuel though people often use regular paraffin oil or other variations. On the other hand, the latter is fueled by natural gas or propane.

It follows that oil-based tiki torches have to be regularly dismantled and filled with fuel before lighting the wick with a match or lighter. There is the risk of oil spills while filling and the torch has to be carefully extinguished and cooled before storing away.

In contrast, gas tiki torches are directly hooked up to the natural gas line or propane canister. Turning them on or off is as simple as flicking a switch. What’s more, there is also the option of automated gas tiki torches that can be easily operated by remote control.

Therefore, gas tiki torches can continue to burn as long as you wish while the oil-fuelled ones require regular refilling. What’s more, gas torches also burn cleaner as the oil ones emit smoke and leave lamp residue. And the former are not easily affected by wind or water either.

An outdoor fire feature cannot get easier than gas tiki torches, can it? You can check out the wide range of natural gas tiki torch options offered by Outdoor Fire and Patio at They carry both manual and automated torches in a variety of interesting designs with modern styles and portable options as well.


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