Safety Precautions for Outdoor Fire Features

The mercury is starting to drop and winter is on its way in. Many people start wanting to extend their outdoor time after they get back home from work. A backyard gas fire pit or even just concrete fire bowls become the perfect way to keep yourself warm as you relax outside with family.

Whether you contemplate investing in a brand new fire table or just drag your old fire pit out from the garage, there are some essential do’s and don’ts for setting up a fire feature:
  • Check out the local regulations, consult the officials and get the required permits (if any) even before you purchase a fire feature. Many county codes forbid open fire pits, though they may go easy on fire tables and bowls. Still certain restrictions may apply.
  • Check the ‘Spare the Air’ days in your locality (if applicable) and refrain from lighting a wood fire on these specific days.
  • A fire pit should be located at least 10 feet away from the house, fences or other structures, including the neighbor’s yards. Some city and country codes may require a greater distance too. On the other hand, fire bowls and tables can be used closer to the house – even on the porch or deck. But safety measures are essential.
  • A dry, flat and non-combustible surface – like concrete, stone, brick, slate or gravel - is best suited for a fire feature.
  • Wood fire features should never be placed on a deck, no matter how far it is located from the house. Even grass surface is better avoided.
  • Do not use any fire feature under a tree or overhang, even if it’s a gas fire.
  • Avoid enclosed areas and choose open spots to ensure proper ventilation.
  • Locate the fire away from flammable materials like dry grass, hay, firewood or even small plants.
  • Keep the area free from leaves, papers and other debris as these are easily flammable.
  • Never leave children unsupervised around a fire even if you are using a cover or screen.
  • Always keep water or sand handy when lighting any fire feature. Having a fire extinguisher is favorable.
  • If you are using wood, avoid using soft woods, freshly cut wood or even old furniture items. Dry seasoned wood works best.
  • It is always better to check the wind pattern before igniting the fire if you don’t want smoke blowing into your house.
  • Keep the seating at a safe distance from the fire so that everyone can enjoy the warmth without their clothes or bodies getting burnt.
  • Ensure that you properly extinguish or switch off the fire as well.
In sum, proper safety precautions in setup and use are essential for concrete fire bowls and fire pits alike.


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