You Best Guide To Buying The ideal Tiki Torch

One of the most creative ways to add lighting to the outer area of your house is to install Tiki torches. These are available in a number of styles, materials, shapes and sizes and depending on the rest of the patio elements you can install a classic tiki torch.


In most of the modern day designed home, folks look for gas tiki torches as it has less complications in terms of creating debris. Creating an extra light on your outer area or fending off insects - whatever it is, getting tiki torches in your pathway can be an exciting option.

Here are the following things to keep in mind before buying the best Tiki torch-

One of the most common choices is the classic woven bamboo design.  They are available in a variety of styles and sizes like the ones that can be hanging or those that can be deck mounted on a table or inside the pool. There are different types of configuration available such as the removable parts, deck mounts, adjustable poles, and you should have a proper understanding of the features so that there is no conflict of understanding when installing.

While the bamboo Tiki torches are definitely an affordable option, it can weather off with time, which is not the case with the metal Tiki torches. Similarly, the glass tiki torches also have higher lifespan that can add to the visual interest of your outdoor space. You can customize the designs depending on where you are buying. They help to add to the best of drama with these vintage looking tiki torches and even the most inclement weather look brilliant.

One of the most consisting predicaments about tiki torches is what kind of fuel to use. Most people look for natural gas tiki torch with a citronella base because it helps to repel mosquitoes. The other choices can be paraffin or kerosene where insects are not a big concern.


Did you know that even solar Tiki torches are getting popular especially in those houses which are averse to flames? The classic torches have a wick that burn away with time and needs to be replaced every now and then.

Placing the torches is the next concern that you need to think because it is not always possible to install them and reinstall them every now and then. The main idea is to provide dramatic lighting along the garden or the pathway. You can place multiple torches about 6 to 8 feet apart depending on the space of the structure. It is very important to understand that the ventilation is right. If you have any hanging elements, umbrellas or even branches of trees, make sure that they are away from the flame.

Extinguishing a torch is not very difficult because all you need to do is put on the snuffer cap until the flame goes out. Whether you are looking to supplement the outdoor lighting or just want to add to the dramatic effect of your house, tiki torches will definitely be a glowing addition. Look out for the variety of models and accessories from outdoor fire and patio. Visit to find out more.


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