Tips to clean your pool before spring


After a long winter, spring comes with a lot of anticipation - when the weather begins to warm and nature begins to bloom. Most swimmers look forward to this season since it allows them to appreciate the natural beauty while participating in their favorite sport. To warm up with their families and friends, most pool owners host pool parties. Does this imply that the pool is technically ready for the season and that no maintenance is required? Certainly not. Pool owners in most locations close their pools for the winter. As a result, it becomes a difficult task for them to keep it safe, clean, healthy, and swim-friendly. Are you a pool owner looking for advice on how to get your pool ready for spring?

 It's time to get the swimming pool set as winter months slowly get passed by. Here are some cleaning and water-preparation suggestions:

Cover should be cleaned and stored - The first step is to take the pool cover off. Remove any material that has gathered on top, such as leaves and twigs, before proceeding. After removing the cover, place it on a flat area, such as your driveway, and scrub it clean with a wide brush and soapy water. When it's dry, fold it up tightly and store it for the summer in a secure location.

Decorate the pool and patio - Pool fire bowls are a great addition to any pool, and they may be mounted on the decking or a column. Fire bowls are a fantastic way to create atmosphere and warmth in the harsh winter months from a design aspect. When lit up, they can also serve as focal points for social occasions. The bowl, sometimes known as a fire pot, can be filled with anything from lava rock to coloured glass, and the output can be natural gas or propane-powered. Copper, cast iron, tile and stone, and steel are among the many finishes available for fire bowls. Whatever you choose for the fire and water features , make sure it blends in with the surrounding elements, such as the landscaping or patio.

Check the equipment and get it running - After that, connect all of the equipment that will keep your pool functioning smoothly. Check all of the components to ensure they're in good operating order and haven't been harmed by the winter. This includes the pump, filter, heater, and any other equipment, such as a vacuum cleaner. Connect them and double-check that all of the connections are secure.

Test the water before diving into it - Checking the water for the right pH balance is one of the most crucial tasks for a safe and healthy pool. After allowing the circulation system to operate for at least a few hours, you can test the water with a testing kit. You'll need to check the amounts of chlorine, total alkalinity, and pH.

Turn on the pool filtration system -  Remove any winter plugs or equipment that were used to keep the water from freezing. Using the product instructions, reassemble the pump and pool filter. Reconnect any hoses or plugs that were disconnected during the pool closure.

The removal of all air from pipes and equipment is critical, as air will be squeezed throughout the filtration process, posing a threat. Start your pool filter while confirming that the pressure levels are within the product's specifications.


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