Are Tiki Torches the Best Way to Keep Bugs away


Most of us look forward to warm, summer evenings that are characterized by grilled hot dogs and burgers in the outdoor space, relaxation with family and friends in the moonlight, and not to forget the pesky uninvited guests that play havoc with the fun-filled evenings.

Gas Tiki Torches to Repel Mosquitoes

Well, whether installing gas tiki torches helps or not is not clear. Some claim that outdoor tiki torches keep bugs away, while others deny this claim.

If you are keen on understanding whether you can save your lovely evenings with gas tiki torches, here’s everything you need to understand.

Effectiveness of Tiki Torches

The assertion that Tiki torches keep mosquitoes away is not completely false. When citronella oil burns in the torch, it exudes a smell that confuses mosquitoes with human smell. Mosquitoes identify human presence with their smell. When confused, they are unable to attack humans. However, the downside to this is that it is effective only within a radius of two meters.

So, the only way to save everyone from mosquito bites is to install tiki torches all around at short distances. This setup poses a problem of safety for people sitting too close to the torch. What’s more, sitting too close to a tiki torch not only causes discomfort but also raises the surrounding temperatures. The citronella smell is likely to bother you. Another challenge is that they work only when lit. When the temperature is high and the wind is harsh, they cannot be lit.

So, tiki torches are the ideal solution to create the festive ambience, provide warmth, and brighten the space. However, more effective systems can be used to keep bugs away.

Maintaining Tiki Torches

Tiki torches are a popular choice to decorate outdoor spaces. Can they be left out in the rain and sun is the tricky question surrounding them.

Here’s more about it.

When rains lash:A sudden downpour of rainfall puts the flame and candle out. Just like a candle, even a damp wick is challenging to light. So, the ideal tip to care of tiki torches is to put the snuffer cap. Remove the cap later. Allow the torch the cool properly before putting it away.

Not only the wick, but the entire torch must be protected from harsh weather conditions. It is advisable to use the snuffer cap even when the torch is not lit to save the citronella oil from getting contaminated  and the torch from rusting due to moisture.

When sunlight is harsh:It is safe to let the tiki torches stay outside in the sun. In fact, they can even be lit during the day to keep mosquitoes away. This arrangement runs the risk of the flame not being seen and becoming the cause of nasty accidents.
Kids and pets playing outdoors may just topple over a burning torch. When the torch is not lit, spilled citronella oil, etc. is extremely harmful for kids, greens, and others. So, they must ideally be put away in the daytime.

Tiki torches are an exciting addition to the outdoor space. You can find the one matching your décor at Outdoor Fire and Patio. Fine the one matching your personal preference.

For further details, contact them at


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