Helpful Tips for Tiki Torches


Creating an ambient lighting experience in the backyard, deck, or around the patio is not challenging at all. Natural gas tiki torch and gas fire tables can be used to create the desired environment, no matter a wedding, a quiet evening with family and friends, or any other festival or event. In fact, the lighting effect is ideal for enjoyable, festive times. However, these fun and beautiful decorative pieces could pose a threat to your safety.

Tips for Safety

So, here are some tips to place, install, and light, extinguish, and store the tiki torches to ensure safety for everyone.

  • Tips for safe placement: Typically, torches are used to light up decks, outdoor patio spaces, and walkways. Depending on the space to be lit, the number of torches must be determined. It is important to keep in mind that the space cannot be cluttered. Sufficient space must be left to avoid nasty accidents during movement. Ideally, six to eight feet of distance between torches is perfect. Moreover, placing torches near or under trees, overhangs, and other inflammable materials can lead to dangerous fire accidents.
  • Fuel: Anything containing fuel undoubtedly poses a risk to the surroundings. Tiki torch fuel is also highly inflammable. Be careful with its storage. Fuel bottles must be carefully stored. The lid must be closed immediately after a refill. Fuel spills must be addressed without delay. For; torch fuel is harmful for plants and grass, and also prone to fire accidents. It is dangerous for pets and children, if ingested. Taking due care with storage and refilling is essential.
  • Refilling the Fuel: As seen above, refilling could also pose serious threats when not done appropriately. Torches must ideally be filled up to two-third of the canister. Fill it as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Inappropriate wick length can be hard to light. Ensure that the torch is kept on a flat surface while refilling to avoid spillage.
  • Extinguishing the torch:After a fun evening with family and friends, the torch must be extinguished, not only to save fuel but to save your house and its inmates from unforeseen dangers. Ensure that it is properly extinguished. Some torches come with a snuffer cap, which serves the purpose of extinguishing and covering the torch for safety.
  • Storing the torches right: Once summer bids goodbye, you would want to put the torches away. Torches can be stored with fuel inside. However, it is vital to ensure that it is stored in a straight and sturdy position to save it from tipping over. Canisters of torches must be removed while storing them. All fuel containers regardless of size must be stored in a cool, well-ventilated space for additional safety.

Tiki torches are an easy and fun way to add ambience to your event. Placing, fueling, and storing them right can help you create the backyard of your dreams and welcome special guests into your attractive, warm, and homely outdoor space.

Outdoor Fire and Patio is the one stop shop for all your outdoor décor needs, including tiki torches and fire bowls.

For further details, contact them at


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